Wednesday, August 14, 2013

ACPA 2014 Research Papers and Posters Committee

See below for a message from the ACPA 2014 Research Papers and Posters Committee

Dear Colleagues,

Three quick things at a busy time of the year!

1)      Paper and Poster Proposals
Please remember that research paper and poster proposals are due September 5 (as are all ACPA proposals).  These sessions provide an excellent venue for faculty, graduate students, and others to share their research.  Please consider submitting a research paper or poster proposal and encouraging your students to do so as well.

Research Paper
Designed for the presentation of scholarly research, particularly by graduate students or faculty members, each 75-minute program slot will include presentation of three research papers (20 minutes each) followed by a brief discussion. 

Research Poster Session
The research poster session is designed for discussion about research projects that are in process or have been completed.  Presenters display their research on a large bulletin board and are available to discuss their display and interact with those circulating the room. 

We have attached a template for submissions.  You’ll need to tweak things a bit for papers and posters.  Do include: (a) an abstract, (b) paper or poster description in the “program description box,” (c) references. You do not need to include: (a) program outline, (b) learning objectives.

In the description, provide a substantive overview of the research entailed in your paper or poster (e.g., purpose, conceptual/theoretical framework, research questions, methods, findings, discussion, and significance).  If the research is not yet complete, provide evidence to the reviewers that papers will be complete by February and posters by the convention in March.

Accepted papers will be due to reviewers by February 22, 2014.

Submit proposals here:

2)      Call for Reviewers
If you are willing to serve as a reviewer for papers and posters, please sign up here: We will try to limit you to 5-6 proposals.

3)      Call for Discussants
If you are willing to serve as a discussant for three papers in one session, please let Katie Stygles know at Discussants will receive papers at least 3 weeks in advance of the convention.

Please contact Katie Stygles ( or Maureen Wilson (  with questions about research papers or posters.

We hope to see many of you in Indianapolis!

Maureen Wilson and Katie Stygles
ACPA 2014 Research Papers and Posters Committee

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