Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Spring 2014 Special Topics in College Student Affairs Courses

Are you or someone you know interested in taking a 
Special Topics in College Student Affairs course this Spring?

We will be offering five Special Topics in CSA this upcoming semester. These courses are available to graduate students, professional staff members at Rutgers, and upper class undergraduate students (with approval from the the course instructor and possibly the students' adviser). Interested students and professionals are encouraged to reach out to the instructors or Alison Sotolongo ( for more information about the courses. Please share this post with anyone you think would be interested!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

ACPA Professional Preparation Commission Call for 2014 Research Awards Submissions

The Commission is now accepting applications for the four awards described below. Please forward this announcement far and wide to graduate students who may be interested and let them know that they should self-nominate by following the application procedure listed below.

Burns B. Crookston Doctoral Research Award
This award recognizes a doctoral student or students for original, journal-quality research that brings greater understanding to the learning or development of students or the organization and administration of student affairs practice. The award is $400.

Gerald Saddlemire Master's Research Award
This award recognizes a Master’s student (or someone who graduated December 2012, Spring 2013, or Summer 2013) for original, journal-quality research that gives insight into the learning or development of students or the organization and administration of student affairs practice. The award is $400.

Roberta Christie Essay Award
This award is presented to a current graduate student for writing an essay that best captures the theme of the conference. This year's conference theme is "REINVENT You. Us. Indy.” A more detailed description of the conference theme can be found on the annual convention Web site. The award is $200. 

Nevitt Sanford Award
The purpose of this award is to provide financial assistance for research within student affairs. The award may either be used to help support dissertations, theses, or specific graduate student research projects. The amount of the award is $400.

Application Process
1.      Submit all materials by email attachment to Kathy Goodman at 
2.      The first page of your award packet should be a title page containing the title of your paper and the name of the award for which you are applying (e.g., Student Development Theory, Nevitt Sanford Award). Please do not put your name or institution on the title page or anywhere in the document itself.
3.      Save your title page and paper as an MSWord or PDF document, with your name as the document name (e.g., smithj.doc or smithj.pdf). Your name SHOULD NOT APPEAR anywhere else on the document. Entries will be blind reviewed.
4.      Send your entry as an email attachment to Kathy Goodman. In your e-mail message, please include:

  • Your Name
  •  Institutional Affiliation (where you are/were a student)
  • Degree and Date Awarded or Anticipated to be Awarded
  • Current email and Mailing Address
  • The Title of Your Paper
  • The Award for Which You Are Applying

The deadline for sending entries is 11:59pm on Friday, November, 1, 2013. Late entries will not be considered.

For More Details
Full descriptions of the awards and application procedures are on the Commission’s web page: Email questions about preparing or submitting your entry to Kathy Goodman at

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Congratualtions, Kevin Killen!

Best wishes to Kevin Killen who will be joining the Rutgers University Department
 of Residence Life as the Associate Director of Residence Life for Student Support.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

NODA Intern at Rutgers Newark

This summer Ama Agumeh was a NODA Intern at Rutgers University - Newark. 
Ama worked as a Graduate Coordinator for New Student Orientation in the Office of Student Life and Leadership.

Congratulations, Kristin Cothran!

Best Wishes to Kristin Cothran who will be taking a position as 
Director of Student Involvement at Lafayette College in Easton, PA. 
Thank you for supporting the CSA Ed.M. Program throughout the years. We will miss you!

NODA Intern at Fairleigh Dickinson University

This summer Cynthia Sanchez Gomez spent her summer Fairleigh Dickinson University as their NODA Intern. Cynthia worked in the Office of the Dean of Students working with New Student Orientation.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

NODA Region VIII Conference

See below for a message about the NODA Region VIII Conference taking place 
from Friday, March 28 to Saturday, March 30 at Rider University.


My name is Brittney Schlechter and I am the Graduate Education Coordinator for NODA Region VIII.

I am writing to inquire as to whether or not you have any graduate students interested in pursuing a student affairs career with orientation. If so, I strongly encourage them to attend the NODA Region VIII Conference to be held at Rider University from Friday, March 28th to Saturday March 30th.

As a graduate student, I was able to attend the conference last year and was able to have a valuable experience networking with other orientation professionals, graduate students, and undergraduate students. In addition to the networking opportunities, there are many educational and professional development opportunities for graduate students interested in orientation.

I strongly encourage any graduate student interested in orientation to attend this conference I believe it will be an impressive addition to their education in student affairs/ higher education.

We will be sending a call for education session presenters including undergraduate, graduate and professional members of the orientation community. Again, this would be an amazing opportunity for any student to expand their public speaking skills, networking opportunities and professional development in the field of orientation.

If you have any students or professionals interested in attending, please forward my information to them so that we might be able to stay connected with them.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply soon.


Brittney L Schlechter
Graduate Assistant
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Kutztown University
PO Box 730
Kutztown PA
(610)683-4777 fax

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Alternative Break Staff Partners Needed

Rutgers University Alternative Breaks is looking for Staff Partners for their weekend, winter break, spring break, and summer trips.  A short application and interview is required.  If you are interested, please contact Karen Ardizzone ( for more information no later than September 4th.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Monmouth University Summer Intern

This summer Alison Sotolongo participated in the summer field experience at Monmouth University located in West Long Branch, New Jersey. Alison worked in the Office of Student Activities and Student Center Operations.

Alison posing in front of Woodrow Wilson Hall wearing her CSA sunglasses. Woodrow Wilson Hall built in 1929 was formerly the mansion of F.W. Woolworth Co. President Hubert Parson and his family. The mansion stands in place of the original mansion that burnt down due to a house fire in 1927. During the Great Depression, mansion fell under municipal ownership. Monmouth University (then called Monmouth College) acquired the property in 1956. Today, Wilson Hall is the administrative center of the University, though some classes and events are also held in this building. The building was named after President Woodrow Wilson who spent the summer of 1916 living in there during his presidential campaign.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Call for Reviewers: Assessment in Action, 2013 – 2014

Assessment in Action is seeking for reviewers for the 2013 – 2014 academic year. Our fall issue will focus on Key Performance Indicators, while our spring issue will focus on benchmarking. This is a great opportunity to learn more about various assessment topics and associated practices used throughout the Division, as well as those utilized by institutions outside of Rutgers University.  Articles are typically 800 - 1,000 words in length, and we will limit you to 3 – 5 articles.
We are currently accepting submissions for our fall issue, which are due 9/20/13.  Submissions for the fall issue will be distributed to reviewers by 9/23/13 and reviews will be due Friday, October 4, 2013.

If you are interested in serving as a reviewer for the 2013 – 2014 year, please contact Marylee Demeter, Editor,  Thank you in advance for your interest!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Job Announcement: Congratulations, Daveena!

Please join us in congratulating Daveena Colwell who recently accepted a position at 
Rutgers University - New Brunswick as an Admissions Associate!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Call for Contributions for our Special Themed Issue of KPIs: Assessment in Action, Fall 2013

Assessment in Action is a publication of the Rutgers University Division of Student Affairs to help tell the story of assessment in our work. Assessment in Action highlights both internal examples of assessment as well external expert advice on assessment in hopes of making the process a more natural part of our work. This publication encourages conversation around various assessment topics, inspires development of a culture of assessment across the Division of Student Affairs, provides resources related to assessment practices, and highlights a variety of effective assessment practices throughout student affairs.
We are currently seeking submissions for our special issue on Key Performance Indictors (KPIs), to be published this fall. The goal of this issue is to promote and discuss the use of KPIs in assessing programs and services offered through Student Affairs. We invite you to submit an article 800 – 1,000 words in length; the deadline for submission is Friday, September 20, 2013. Please feel free to submit articles based on any graduate/undergraduate student affairs assessment projects you have participated in. Articles will be reviewed by our editorial staff, and revisions may be requested. Please submit articles and any questions to Marylee Demeter, Editor,
Thank you in advance for your contributions! I look forward to working with you this fall!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

ACPA 2014 Research Papers and Posters Committee

See below for a message from the ACPA 2014 Research Papers and Posters Committee

Dear Colleagues,

Three quick things at a busy time of the year!

1)      Paper and Poster Proposals
Please remember that research paper and poster proposals are due September 5 (as are all ACPA proposals).  These sessions provide an excellent venue for faculty, graduate students, and others to share their research.  Please consider submitting a research paper or poster proposal and encouraging your students to do so as well.

Research Paper
Designed for the presentation of scholarly research, particularly by graduate students or faculty members, each 75-minute program slot will include presentation of three research papers (20 minutes each) followed by a brief discussion. 

Research Poster Session
The research poster session is designed for discussion about research projects that are in process or have been completed.  Presenters display their research on a large bulletin board and are available to discuss their display and interact with those circulating the room. 

We have attached a template for submissions.  You’ll need to tweak things a bit for papers and posters.  Do include: (a) an abstract, (b) paper or poster description in the “program description box,” (c) references. You do not need to include: (a) program outline, (b) learning objectives.

In the description, provide a substantive overview of the research entailed in your paper or poster (e.g., purpose, conceptual/theoretical framework, research questions, methods, findings, discussion, and significance).  If the research is not yet complete, provide evidence to the reviewers that papers will be complete by February and posters by the convention in March.

Accepted papers will be due to reviewers by February 22, 2014.

Submit proposals here:

2)      Call for Reviewers
If you are willing to serve as a reviewer for papers and posters, please sign up here: We will try to limit you to 5-6 proposals.

3)      Call for Discussants
If you are willing to serve as a discussant for three papers in one session, please let Katie Stygles know at Discussants will receive papers at least 3 weeks in advance of the convention.

Please contact Katie Stygles ( or Maureen Wilson (  with questions about research papers or posters.

We hope to see many of you in Indianapolis!

Maureen Wilson and Katie Stygles
ACPA 2014 Research Papers and Posters Committee