Friday, August 12, 2011

From the Journal of Student Affairs at New York University...

Research is one of the most important parts of what we do as student affairs and higher education professionals every single day. In anticipation of the 2011-2012 Academic Year, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Student Affairs at NYU invites you to submit an abstract for publication in this year's Journal. We are extremely excited to offer this opportunity to students and professionals from your institution/program! Abstracts are due September 23, 2011.

Author Guidelines
The Journal of Student Affairs (JoSA) at New York University publishes articles related to student development, professional development, administrative concerns, and ground-breaking initiatives to improve student services. We seek to publish both experienced authors and those looking to contribute to our field of study for the first time. Manuscripts should focus on:

Original research*
Replications of Research
Reviews of research
Essays on theoretical, organizational, or professional issues
Reviews of current literature relevant to the field
Practical reports of experiences from the field

*Please note that all the original research articles that use human subjects must be approved by the NYU Institutional Review Board prior to submission.

If you have any questions about the submission process or requirements for the various submission types, please contact the Editorial Review Board at

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted to the JoSA Editorial Board and should be no longer than 250 words. Authors should provide the editorial team with an overview of the proposed article that demonstrates interest level in the proposed topic and the article's relevance to higher education and student affairs. The following information must be included with the abstract: Name, Title, Address, E-mail address, Year of completion of graduate program (name and school)

Style Guidelines
Manuscripts must be clear, concise and interesting with a well-organized development of ideas. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition should be followed for reference style and general guidelines.

Additional Notes
Manuscripts have been previously published or are being considered for publication should never be submitted. Authors must sign a statement affirming non-duplication of submission before their manuscripts will be reviewed.

Each submission should be submitted electronically in the MS Word .doc format.

Submissions will be e-mailed to with the subject "Abstract Submission." Abstracts are due on September 23, 2011.

The Executive Board will be responsible for all publication and editorial decisions.

For examples of previous JoSA publications, deadlines, and other information, please go to the JoSA website at *We are currently in the process of updating this information, so pelase refer back soon for current deadlines.

Submissions and other inquiries should be directed to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Student Affairs at New York University at

1 comment:

  1. This is a great opportunity for new professionals and graduate students as well. The Journal of Student Affairs has been a staple at NYU for a number of years and is read by student affairs professionals all over the country. I have copies of past journals if anyone is interested in reviewing them.

    Krista Kohlmann
