Saturday, April 16, 2011

Open Call - New ACUHO-I Assessment Workgroups

Open Call for Members of New ACUHO-I Assessment Workgroups
Assessment professionals needed to lead association efforts

ACUHO-I is is seeking applications for association members who are interested in being a part of one of three newly formed association workgroups focusing on utilizing assessment in campus housing. Interested parties should apply by completing the online survey here. To apply for one of the following available positions, please complete the online survey and provide pertinent information including a resume.

Applications for chair, chair-elect, and general participation will be accepted online through April 30, 2011.

The three new groups will be named the ACUHO-I Assessment Committee, the EBI Users Group, and the NASPA Assessment Consortium User Group. All three will work separately and independently of each other and individuals will not be allowed to serve on more than one of these workgroups as access to the discussions that will be created and shared in the different groups may violate fair trade laws.
Click each title for further description of these group charges. Available positions include:
    -  Assessment Committee Chair and Chair-Elect
EBI User Group Chair and Chair-Elect
NASPA Assessment Consortium User Group Chair and Chair-Elect

ACUHO-I Assessment Committee determines and expands the association’s assessment base and identifies critical issues and assessment opportunities within university housing. The chair of the Assessment Committee will serve as a liaison to both the EBI Users Group and the NASPA Assessment Consortium User Group.

Members of the 
ACUHO-I / EBI Users Group will focus on the particular use of ACUHO-I / EBI Resident Assessment technology and its related applications. The user group will specifically focus on the needs of EBI users and provide connectivity to other users.

NASPA Assessment Consortium User Group will focus on the use of the NASPA Assessment and Knowledge Consortium surveys and their application to university housing settings. The user group will specifically focus on the NASPA Assessment services and applications with a goal to connect survey users.

Questions should be directed to 
Dr. Tony Cawthon, Knowledge Enhancement Director, Sallie Traxler, Executive Director, orJosh Goldman, Senior Director.