Friday, April 8, 2011

E-Meeting to Discuss "Dear Colleague" Letter

Have you read the "Dear Colleague" Letter from the U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Office, dated April 4, 2011?  Click here to access it.  

Have questions about the implications of this letter or want to discuss it further with your colleagues?  Join us for this free E-meeting sponsored by ASCA, ACPA, ACUHO-I, NASPA, and NIRSA.  This E-meeting will take place on Wed., April 13, 1-2:30pm.  John W. Lowery, Associate Professor in the Department of Student Affairs in Higher Education at the University of Indiana at Pennsylvania, will give a brief summary of the letter and open up the discussion in a Q&A format.

To register, follow the link:  It is free to anyone who is a member of one of the sponsoring organizations; non-members will pay $25.  

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