Friday, April 29, 2011

ASHE Call for Proposals

The 36th Annual Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Conference will be November 17-19, 2011 in Charlotte, North Carolina. This email is a friendly reminder that proposals for the 2011 ASHE Conference are due next week. We are anticipating our biggest conference to date!  

The full Call for Proposals is available online here:  

You may submit a proposal to one of 8 divisions of the general conference: (1) Students I: Learning, & Development; (2) Students II: Access, Success, & Outcomes; (3) Organization, Administration, & Leadership; (4) Teaching, Learning, & Assessment; (5) Faculty; (6) Contexts, Foundations, & Methods; (7) Policy, Finance, & Economics; and (8) International. These eight divisions are conceptualized broadly so that the wide range of research conducted in the field of higher education can be represented at the annual conference. Authors should be able to identify a division related to their topic, even if that topic is not explicitly mentioned in the descriptors for a particular division. 

Proposals may be formatted as research/scholarly papers, roundtable discussions, poster presentations, or symposia.

This year, we have instituted two different proposal deadlines:
  - May 3 at Noon EDT: All proposals for Students I and Students II must be locked.
  - May 5 at Noon EDT: All proposals for pre-conferences and other divisions must be locked.

You do not have to be an ASHE member to submit a proposal. All scholars of higher education and allied disciplines are welcome!

Proposals may be submitted online here:  Examples of successful (accepted) proposals from the 2009 conference are online here:

Pre-Conference Activities will occur on November 16 and 17. We offer 4 pre-conferences: the International Forum, the Public Policy Forum, the Council on Ethnic Participation Forum, and Council for the Advancement of Higher Education Programs. 2011 marks the inaugural year for the Council on Ethnic Participation (CEP) Pre-Conference. This forum seeks scholarly and research proposals that engage issues of race/ethnicity, equity and diversity, as well as topics related to historically underrepresented, underserved, or marginalized populations in higher education.

The general conference will be November 17-19

More information is available

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Student Affairs Development Conference

July 10-12 at the University of Utah

The purpose of the Student Affairs Development Conference is to share and exchange strategies, ideas, and resources, and to discuss issues related to fundraising for student affairs. The conference promotes an exchange of best practices and assist attendees in identifying successful programs. It is designed for professionals who currently have development responsibilities specifically for student affairs and for professionals with backgrounds and experience in either student affairs or development.

You may either register online or print a registration form

For more information, go to:

New England Student Affairs Placement Conference

Thursday, May 19, 2011 and Friday, May 20, 2011 @ Bridgewater State University

The New England Student Affairs Placement Conference (NESAPC) is the only job placement event of its type in the New England region. NESAPC provides the opportunity for employers to interview candidates who are interested in working specifically in the Northeast. Past conferences have included employers from all New England states as well as New York. Candidates have come from all areas of the country.

Registration is now open for NESAPC!
Please visit the Boston Area College Housing Association’s website for more information:

Any Questions? Email

Move In Crew Volunteers Needed!


We are currently accepting applications to be a Move In Crew volunteer. The Move in Crew assists first year students with their move into the Residence Halls.  Be a part of this exciting experience, get a Move In crew T-Shirt, training, and a $30 food voucher for your participation.  To apply please go to

If you belong to an organization and would like to volunteer as a group, or have additional questions, please contact Joyce Sagi,

Sunday, April 24, 2011

2011 ACPA Conference Workshop Handouts

The 2011 ACPA Conference website has uploaded workshop handouts and powerpoint presentations from many of the sessions. To access them, click here!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome to Sue McNeilly - Office of Residence Life

Join us in welcoming a new addition to the Office of Residence Life at Rutgers University: Sue McNeilly!  Sue is the new Assistant Director of Residence Life for Training and Personnel.  Formerly, she was at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY as a Resident Director in Residential Programs, where she was responsible for a first-year residence hall of about 600 students.  Sue also completed both of her undergraduate and graduate degrees at Hofstra.  In addition to all of her work experience, we asked Sue to share a few other things about herself: "Little things about me: I’m a proud mother of two, love karaoke and bowling, and originally from Philadelphia, PA." 

Welcome to Rutgers and our Student Affairs community, Sue! 

2011 NACADA NJ State Drive-In Conference

We are now accepting proposals for the 2011 NACADA NJ State Drive-In Conference taking place Wed., June 15, 2011 at Brookdale Community College in Lincroft, New Jersey.

You are invited and encouraged to share your expertise, knowledge, research and best practices with your peers, with new advising professionals, and with professional practitioners and researchers. This year’s theme is “Advising Opens Doors to Opportunities”.

We encourage new and seasoned presenters to submit proposals related to:
  *Intercollegiate Partnerships
  *Career and Transfer Planning
  *Advising for Internships and Externships
  *Working with Special Populations: EOF, Student Athletes, Students with Disabilities, etc.
  *Advising Multicultural Populations and Diversity Awareness
  *Building Interdepartmental Relationships
  *Preventing Burnout and Staying Engaged
  *Career Paths for Advisors

Submit your proposal or find out more and/or register for the event, go to:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Colloquium Presentation by Fred Bonner, Ed.D

Fred Bonner, Ed.D., Associate Dean and Professor at Texas A&M University-College Station, will be presenting a colloquium entitled, "Academically Gifted African-American Males: Implications for P-16 Planning and Policy."  The presentation will be on Tues., April 26, 10:15-11:15am in the GSE Lecture Room (room 124).  We strongly encourage all of those who are able to attend.

Dr. Fred Bonner's other research interests include: college student development, faculty of color in predominantly white institutions, and high-achieving Blacks and Latinos in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.  Dr. Bonner is also a candidate for the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Chair in Education.  


Leidy Garcia '11, Becomes a U.S. Citizen

On Tuesday, April 5, Leidy Garcia '11, officially became an American citizen.  Congratulations, Leidy!

Open Call - New ACUHO-I Assessment Workgroups

Open Call for Members of New ACUHO-I Assessment Workgroups
Assessment professionals needed to lead association efforts

ACUHO-I is is seeking applications for association members who are interested in being a part of one of three newly formed association workgroups focusing on utilizing assessment in campus housing. Interested parties should apply by completing the online survey here. To apply for one of the following available positions, please complete the online survey and provide pertinent information including a resume.

Applications for chair, chair-elect, and general participation will be accepted online through April 30, 2011.

The three new groups will be named the ACUHO-I Assessment Committee, the EBI Users Group, and the NASPA Assessment Consortium User Group. All three will work separately and independently of each other and individuals will not be allowed to serve on more than one of these workgroups as access to the discussions that will be created and shared in the different groups may violate fair trade laws.
Click each title for further description of these group charges. Available positions include:
    -  Assessment Committee Chair and Chair-Elect
EBI User Group Chair and Chair-Elect
NASPA Assessment Consortium User Group Chair and Chair-Elect

ACUHO-I Assessment Committee determines and expands the association’s assessment base and identifies critical issues and assessment opportunities within university housing. The chair of the Assessment Committee will serve as a liaison to both the EBI Users Group and the NASPA Assessment Consortium User Group.

Members of the 
ACUHO-I / EBI Users Group will focus on the particular use of ACUHO-I / EBI Resident Assessment technology and its related applications. The user group will specifically focus on the needs of EBI users and provide connectivity to other users.

NASPA Assessment Consortium User Group will focus on the use of the NASPA Assessment and Knowledge Consortium surveys and their application to university housing settings. The user group will specifically focus on the NASPA Assessment services and applications with a goal to connect survey users.

Questions should be directed to 
Dr. Tony Cawthon, Knowledge Enhancement Director, Sallie Traxler, Executive Director, orJosh Goldman, Senior Director.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Call for Graduate-Student Advisors at APA Days

Join us for a unique academic advising opportunity during the School of Arts and Sciences Academic Planning and Advising (APA) Days for the Class of 2015!  APA Days are the perfect opportunity to gain experience advising incoming students, and to help them understand their academic options and make choices about their fall classes.  These full-day events will occur on Sun., May 1; Sat., May 7; and Sat., May 21.  Your help is needed as a graduate-student advisor for the general advising sessions running from 1:30-3:30pm each day.  A training session will be provided.

If you are interested in this exciting advising opportunity, please contact Dean Julie Traxler at, and please indicate which days you are available.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

College Student Character Development: What is our Role?

As you all know, student affairs professionals play a key role in promoting character development, but often respond in reaction to negative behavior rather than addressing character development proactively.  This program will provide information from dissertation research about student affairs professionals' perceptions of college student character development.  Participants will be encouraged to look at the different ways that programs and services can be used to proactively address character development.  

Presenter: Dr. Anne Newman - Director, Office of Student Conduct
When: Wed., April 20, 2:00-3:30pm
Where: RSC, Room 407

Join us for this great, end-of-semester professional development opportunity!  Please RSVP to Sean Dowd, Assistant Director of Residence Life, at  

Monday, April 11, 2011

Darren Clarke Awarded Human Dignitary Award

Congratulations to Darren Clarke, Executive Director of Continuing Education and Global Programs at the GSE, who has received the Human Dignitary Award.  Dr. Clarke conceptualized and spearheaded the South Africa Initiative back in 2001 which continues to thrive, making this it's tenth year!  This program, in particular, has resulted in the bridging of cultures as well as the development of innovative pedagogies through service learning, training, and distance technology.  For more information about the South Africa Initiative, please visit the website:  

Congrats, Darren!   All awards will be presented to recipients at the annual ceremony to be held on Wed., April 20 at 2:00pm in the Assembly Room of Winants Hall.   

(Dr. Darren Clarke has also served as a Field Experience supervisor for CSA students).  

Friday, April 8, 2011

CSA Town Hall Meeting

FLSA is sponsoring a Town Hall meeting for CSA students to discuss the program and voice their concerns/ comments to CSA faculty and staff.  The meeting will be held on Tues., April 12 at 4:00pm at the RSC, room 410.  We hope to see you all there!


E-Meeting to Discuss "Dear Colleague" Letter

Have you read the "Dear Colleague" Letter from the U.S. Department of Education Civil Rights Office, dated April 4, 2011?  Click here to access it.  

Have questions about the implications of this letter or want to discuss it further with your colleagues?  Join us for this free E-meeting sponsored by ASCA, ACPA, ACUHO-I, NASPA, and NIRSA.  This E-meeting will take place on Wed., April 13, 1-2:30pm.  John W. Lowery, Associate Professor in the Department of Student Affairs in Higher Education at the University of Indiana at Pennsylvania, will give a brief summary of the letter and open up the discussion in a Q&A format.

To register, follow the link:  It is free to anyone who is a member of one of the sponsoring organizations; non-members will pay $25.  

Free Conference Call: International Opportunities

Sponsored by both ACPA's Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development and Commission for Career Development, is another free conference call.  Entitled, "Helping Students Appreciate the Personal and Professional Benefits of International Opportunities," this hot topic discussion will benefit any person that works with (or plans to work with) students who participate in study abroad or other international experiences.  

This conference call will take place on Thurs., April 21, noon - 1:30pm EST.   For more information or to register (by April 20), go to:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

ACPA Free Conference Call: How to Be An Awesome Global Citizen

Sponsored by ACPA's Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development and the Commission for Student Involvement, is this free conference call: How to Be an Awesome Global Citizen (and How to Talk About it in Higher Education).

Date: May 4, 2011, 12:00pm - 1:30pm EST
*Register by May 3.

Topics to be discussed: what it means to be a global citizen; what types of international aid works and which doesn't; how to discuss/frame/structure global issues in the college setting.

To register, go to:

Friday, April 1, 2011

RU-STEPed Up for Success - Graduate Student Mentors

The Office of Undergraduate Education is now accepting applications for two Graduate Student Mentor positions. These positions are open to graduate students in Science, Math, Engineering, Education or related fields.

The RU-STEPed Up for Success program is funded by the National Science foundation and is a cohesive set of programmatic interventions that address strategic points in the undergraduate educational process. It seeks to increase the number of students receiving baccalaureate degrees from Rutgers University  New Brunswick in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Specifically, RU-STEPed Up for Success recruits STEM majors from underrepresented groups (women and minorities) and looks to improve retention of first-year and transfer STEM students through learning communities, summer bridge experiences, academic support, mentoring, and orientation programs.  For more information about RU-STEPed Up for Success visit

Both positions will develop academic programming, advise undergraduate peer mentors, and build a supportive academic environment for these learning communities.  The following are the two position areas: 

Science Success Fast Track
The Graduate Student Mentor for the Science Success Fast Track will work primarily with the transfer learning communities that are part of this program. 

Rosalind Franklin House
The Graduate Student Mentor for Rosalind Franklin (RF) House will work primarily with female students living in the RF learning community located in Winkler Hall on the Campus.

Candidate must be a matriculated student in a graduate program in Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Education, College Student Affairs, or related field, or an equivalent combination of education and experience. A strong motivation to create an encouraging environment and develop engaging academic programming is essential. Compensation for this position is $20 an hour, approximately 10 to 15 hours a week. The position runs from May 2011 – May 2012.

The application deadline is April 22, 2011.    Please e-mail Issata Saccoh at for an application or with any questions.  

GSE Spring 2011 e-Newsletter

Check out the spring 2011 edition of the GSE's e-Newsletter here!

Be sure to check out p.4 which talks about the CSA program and features the voices of some of our very own students (Tierra Fields '12, Adam Carlson '12, and Barry Hendler '11)!

NASPA NUFP Applications Now Available

The NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program (NUFP) offers undergraduate students the opportunity to learn more about the field of student affairs and careers in higher education.  Do you have have a student that you think would make an excellent Fellow?  Encourage your students to apply for the program and you can help sponsor them as a NASPA Mentor!

Fellows must be an undergraduate student and a member of a historically disenfranchised student population (i.e., Black, Asian, Hispanic, Indigenous, Multiethnic, LGBTQ, or have a disability) as well as have at least a 2.5 GPA (preferably above a 2.7).

To apply, Fellows must complete an application by April 22.  For more information, go to:

Register for the NASPA Region II Conference

The NASPA Region II Conference will take place June 5-7, 2011 in Baltimore, MD.  The theme of this year's conference is "BELIEVE."  Registration for the conference is now open.  Click here to learn more.