Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blog Traffic: Over 2000 Visits!

The CSA program has spent the summer blogging and it has been a great success!  Our goal for the summer was to have 2000 visits and we our proud to announce that we just exceeded our expectations!

Looking at our blog’s statistics, the numbers started rising back in June where we had over 400 hits that month when our blog was still only about a month old.  It appears that our very own CSA website is making the majority of referrals to our blog while Google is also playing a huge role in helping people find us.  We can see that when readers typed certain popular phrases into Google such as “Rutgers move in crew” or “Rutgers CSA” or “Fred Bonner Rutgers,” our page is what appeared in the search results and they clicked on it! 

So far, the most popular pages have been about the NASPA/ACPA conferences; that is, early registration, the “How to Submit a NASPA Conference Program” webinar opportunity, and the NASPA Graduate Associate Program.  With the popularity of these particular posts, we hope to see them put into action with many of our students and colleagues taking advantage of these professional development opportunities. 

With all of these statistics demonstrating a community of readership, our blog has met our goals and we hope to keep improving it with more diverse posts and a more interactive community of followers and comments.  In the meantime, thank you for reading and making this blog a great success for the CSA program!

*A survey will be sent out to readers soon about which medium you would prefer for the fall semester: the Weekly Digest or the CSA Blog.  

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Field Experiences with Student Life

There are 3 new and unique field experience opportunities for the CSA second year cohort: The Student Life department is looking for graduate students interested in technology/innovation, student learning, and collaboration with university departments. These field experiences are:
  • Multimedia E-learning
  • Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Collaboration
  • Assessment Strategy and Reporting Methods
All field experience interns will have the opportunity to learn about and use an IPad2. If you are interested in obtaining more information, please e-mail Courtney O’Connell ( for further information.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seeking Case Study Submissions for New NASPA Book

The authors of the forthcoming book Decisions Matter: Using a Decision Making Framework with Contemporary Student Affairs Case Studies are seeking examples of contemporary situations that new professionals may face in their first few years of work in any student affairs functional area. Case studies should relate to one of the following five specific competency areas for student affairs practitioners:
  • Student Learning and Development
  • Human and Organizational Resources and Leadership
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Law, Policy, and Governance
  • Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
Submission Deadline: October 1. To submit a proposal, please visit this website.

If you have any questions regarding your submission, please contact Brian McCoy at

NASPA Graduate Associate Program (GAP)

Initially envisioned by 2009 NASPA summer interns Jimmy Doan and Danielle Howard, the NASPA Graduate Associate Program (GAP) is an initiative to increase leadership opportunities of graduate students within NASPA. NASPA GAs work collaboratively with other GAs throughout the world to become another communication conduit for NASPA events, publications, and programs offerings within a campus community. Associates also have the opportunity to serve on an unofficial graduate student council, providing another perspective for NASPA student membership. Please view the full position description and requirements for more information.  

The benefits of becoming a NASPA GA are numerous. Aside from becoming more knowledgeable about your professional association and networking with other graduate students, all NASPA GAs will receive recognition on the NASPA website, a complimentary copy of Beginning Your Journey: A Guide for New Professionals in Student Affairs (Third Edition), and a chance of receiving one of the four NASPA GAP conference packages (complimentary registration and three hotel nights at the annual conference).

All application materials must be received by August 4, 2011. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nathan Victoria, assistant director of educational programs and social media, at, @NASPAtweets, or 202-265-7500, x1163. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fall Professional Development Series

Avani Rana and the Leadership team are in the process of setting up the Fall semester Professional Development Series, a series of leadership workshops offered to all Rutgers students.  

If you are interested in presenting a 2-hour workshop on a topic that you are passionate about, please email Avani Rana at  Even if you only have an idea but need to develop it further, reach out to Avani so that she and her team can help you develop the idea into a workshop.   This is a great opportunity to expand your professional development portfolio as well as good practice for presenting at a large conference.  

Please email Avani by Fri., August 5 if you are interested.  (Thank you in advance for assisting us with this program).

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2011-12 Conference Calendar

In preparation for the upcoming school year, have you started thinking about which annual conferences you're looking to attend?  To help you start planning, we've posted the 2011-12 Conference Calendar on the CSA website - so check it out!    

Monday, July 25, 2011

ACPA Call for Program Reviewers

Would you like to play an important role in the 2012 ACPA Convention in Louisville? Are you looking for an opportunity to be involved in the professional development of your colleagues? Do you want to have a voice in what programs are offered? If your answer is yes, then help us Create Possibilities and sign up to review program proposals now!

As a reviewer, you will be assigned approximately seven programs to review online. General program proposal feedback must be provided online from September 16-October 3, 2011. If you are assigned to review pre-convention program proposals, you must offer your feedback between September 14-26, 2011.

Make ACPA Louisville 2012 the best professional development opportunity it can be; your participation matters! Thanks for considering this opportunity, and enjoy the rest of your summer.


Deadline for program proposals is September 12, 2011

Deadline to request ancillary space is November 21, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

How To Submit A NASPA Conference Program

FREE WEBINAR! August 10, 2011 from 
2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

On Wednesday, August 10, 2011 from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT, join your colleagues for an interactive webinar on how to submit a program proposal for the 2012 NASPA Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona!  The NASPA Program Chair, Wendy Endress, and the Pre-Conference Workshop Chair, Juan Guardia, will discuss the theme of Ignite Leadership Influence Change.  Stephanie Gordon and Jennifer Vaseleck from the NASPA Office will walk through the submission process online so that you can easily navigate the 2012 NASPA Program Submission and Reviewer Process! 

To register, please visit:  

Call for SAS Transfer Class Instructors

(For second-year CSA students): 

The School of Arts and Sciences Transfer Center is still looking for volunteers to teach the Fall 2011 required Transfer class: Students in Transition. This course runs for the frst 10 weeks of the semester, ending prior to Thanksgiving. Standard syllabus and lesson plans are provided by the Transfer Center; training and supervision will also be provided by Dr. Robin Diamond, Director of the SAS Transfer Center. If you have questions or are interested in applying, please send an email and resume to Robin at prior to Fri., August 5. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

May 6 Spring Reception/Learning Narrative Photos

Have you seen pictures from the May 6, 2011 Spring Reception event?  You can now view them on the CSA's Facebook page.  

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Submit an ACPA Proposal Today!

Plan now to attend the 2012 ACPA Annual Convention and consider presenting a program as part of that experience.  

Browse the ACPA Louisville 2012 website to learn more about the convention theme, professional competencies, critical issues, sponsorship opportunities, and Louisville, Kentucky!  

*The ACPA convention will take place March 24-28, 2012 so mark your calendars now!