Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Congratulations to Jenny Kurtz!

Jenny Kurtz, Director in the Office of Social Justice Education and LGBTQ Communities, has received the Public Service Award from the ACPA Standing Committee for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Awareness.  Congrats, Jenny!  

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Expanding our Book List!

If you visit the College Student Affairs program website, you will see that we have compiled a Recommended Reading List for students; these are the books that faculty believes every student affairs professional should read.  

NOW IT'S UP TO YOU!  Tell us what book you think every student affairs professional ought to read.  This can be: a timeless "classic;" a new controversial book; something specific to one field within student affairs; etc.  

We want to make this a comprehensive list that our students can then use to prepare before going out into the field, or for our graduates, keep them well-read in student affairs literature.  So click on "Comments" directly under this post and let us know what book(s) YOU recommend!  (All readers are welcome to comment).   

Thursday, June 16, 2011

LGBT Leadership Scholarship Available!

Spread the word and encourage your students to apply for the LGBT Leadership Scholarship, co-sponsored by RUBiGLATA, The Rutgers Foundation, and Center for Social Justice Education & LGBT Communities!  

Application deadline: July 29, 2011

Purpose of the Scholarship:
- To encourage recipients to continue their academic studies and become community leaders working towards the prevention of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
- To build awareness of the academic achievements and community service of LGBT and allied students at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
- To create a more positive environment for LGBT students or allies, many who continue to encounter significant disadvantages as they strive towards becoming contributing citizens within the broader community.
- To build a more positive image of LGBT people as invested members of our society.

- Enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (Camden, Newark, and New Brunswick) for the 2011-2012 academic year
- Demonstrated involvement in promoting LGBT student activities at Rutgers Universities various campuses or, if an incoming student, demonstrated involvement in promoting LGBT activities while in High School
- Demonstrated leadership in the promotion of a positive identity for LGBT students throughout the University or within the broader community as a whole.
- Demonstrated academic achievement 
- Demonstrated financial need 
- Good academic standing 
- Submission of a formal application form by July 29, 2011

How to Apply

Fill out the LGBT Leadership Scholarship Application and send it to:
Center for Social Justice Education & LGBT Communities 
247 Tillet Hall, Livingston Campus, 53 Avenue E 
Piscataway, NJ 08854 
Telephone: 848-445-4141

For more information contact AnnMarie Burg at or 848-445-4141.  

Training Institute: Improving Campus Climate for LGBT Students

You are invited to participate in a two-day Training Institute: “Improving Campus Climate for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Students.” The training will be held on Wed., July 13 and Thurs., July 14, 2011, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-St. Paul Riverfront, in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Participants will build upon existing skills to improve their own campus climate and support effective alcohol and other drug abuse and violence (AODV) prevention on college campuses for LGBT students. They will learn how federal legislation and effective campus policies can bring about long-lasting positive changes that may strengthen opportunities to increase retention and academic success for LGBT students.

Teams of 2-3 campus professionals who are interested in improving campus climate for LGBT students are encouraged to attend. Individual participation is also welcome. The Training Institute is offered free of charge, however, participants will pay for their own travel, lodging, and food.

The goals of the Training Institute are to:
1. Review research and best practices to implement effective alcohol and other drug abuse and violence (AODV) prevention programs to strengthen learning environments and improve campus climate for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students.

2. Examine policies and strategies that may contribute to improving campus climates in order to strengthen learning environments and increase college completion rates for LGBT students.

3. Share successful model campus programs, build upon existing skills, and receive training from practitioners in the field of AODV prevention and other areas related to improving campus climate and retention for LGBT students.

More information and registration is available on the Higher Education Center’s Web site at:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

SCOPE - New Membership Association for Higher Education

Today, the School and College Organization for Prevention Educators (SCOPE) opens its doors and begins welcoming its charter members. SCOPE serves as an interdisciplinary hub for prevention educators.  SCOPE is the first organization of its kind to encompass the full breadth and depth of the field of prevention. SCOPE prioritizes the advancement of primary prevention research, practice and implementation.

SCOPE recognizes that prevention has many subfields, but believes that prevention efforts share more commonalities than differences. What alcohol abuse educators know can benefit what sexual violence prevention specialists do. Prevention of hazing and bullying have much in common. Additionally, we know that many areas of prevention intersect.

SCOPE aims to bridge subfields by joining prevention professionals from across the prevention disciplines together to learn from one another, explore best practices and further shared goals.

SCOPE's members receive:
    • Community of prevention professionals
    • VBulletin membership listserv
    • Quarterly SCOPE newsletter
    • Discounted SCOPE events (seminars, conferences, webinars)
    • Daily SCOPE Blog
    • Access to the latest prevention research, data and studies
    • Topic-based knowledge groups
    • Certified Professional Prevention Educator program
    • Need-based grant program for conference registration
    • Discounts from Prevention Partner organizations
    • Scholar-in-Residence program
    • SCOPE research grants
    • SCOPE Prevention Library
    • Membership roster access
Founding Executive Director Michelle Issadore stated, “As a prevention educator for many years, I am intimately familiar with the need for this organization. The responses we have received prior to our launch from members of the prevention field have been overwhelmingly positive. We look forward to joining forces with new members and partners to raise the profile of primary prevention.”

SCOPE embraces an ecological, inclusive, holistic, feminist, public health, evidence-based and multi-disciplinary vision of prevention. To effectively promote the aims of the prevention community, SCOPE members deeply examine the causes of violence, health and safety risks within society — including hate, intolerance, apathy, gender bias, racism, homophobia, stigmatization of mental health, objectification of the human body, ignorance, predation and discrimination — to foster effective, interconnected, strategic prevention.

To join SCOPE, click here!
For more information, please visit or contact:

Executive Director
School and College Organization for Prevention Educators (SCOPE)
Phone: 610-993-0227
Fax: 610-993-0228

Student Affairs Communique

Did you see the latest posting about the Conflict Mediation training that Anne Newman is conducting? This opportunity and others like it are advertised every two weeks in the Rutgers Student Affairs Communique - so be sure to check it out!  

To be added to the Communique mailing list, contact Patrick Love at

Mediation & Conflict Resolution Training

Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training for Higher Education 
August 2nd & 3rd

The Office of Student Conduct will be providing a two day training (August 2-3) on how to mediate conflict in the higher education setting.  Training will be free, but participants may be asked to assist with campus mediations during the school year.  If you are interested in attending the training or want more information, contact Anne Newman.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2012 NASPA Conference Advanced Registration

The 2012 NASPA Annual Conference, "Ignite Leadership Influence Change," will take place March 10-14 in Phoenix, AZ.   Register now to pay 2011 fees: $100 for NASPA student members and $325 for NASPA members.  These rates will stay in effect only until June 30.  

Submit your program proposal by September 2, 2011.  

For more information, go to:  

What can you look forward to at the NASPA Conference?  Join John Legend, Grammy award-winning artist and creator of the Show Me Campaign, as he inspires 2012 NASPA Annual Conference attendees to Ignite Leadershipand Influence Change.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Introducing the 2011 Cohort Student Profiles!

We invite you to visit the CSA website and get to know the new students of the 2011 Cohort by browsing the Student Profiles webpage!  

ACPA Diamond Honorees - Call for Nominations

The ACPA Foundation is pleased to announce it is now accepting nominations for the 2012 Class of Diamond Honorees. The Foundation invites you to consider nominating someone you believe is deserving of this honor. Those selected since the program's inception in 1999 have distinguished themselves as teachers, administrators, researchers, writers, and association leaders.

Nominees are expected to have demonstrated sustained contributions to ACPA, Higher Education, and the Student Affairs profession at the local, state, regional, national, or international levels. Following review of the nominations received by the ACPA Foundation Board of Trustees, the Diamond Honoree Class for 2012 will be selected. 

To learn more about the Diamond Honoree program, view a list of those already recognized, or to obtain a nomination form, visit the ACPA Foundation web site at You will also find the Fundraising Guide for Diamond Honoree Advocates on this page. This guide provides the information you need to conduct a successful campaign on behalf of your Nominee. Nominations are due by July 15, 2011 and should be submitted electronically to Myra F. Morgan, ACPA Foundation Trustee, at  Any questions?  Contact Myra Morgan.