Monday, May 30, 2011

Julie Howe's Proposals are Accepted!

Congratulations to Julie Howe, Residence Life Coordinator on the Cook/Douglass campus, for having two of her proposals accepted by ACUHO-I!  

Julie will be presenting twice at the ACUHO-I 2011 Annual Conference and Exposition.  Her sessions are entitled:

  1. Hey Higher Ed, Catch Up: The Evolution and Legislation of Bullying"
  2. “Search for a Safe Space for Non-Believers"

To learn more about these conference programs, go to the ACUHO-I Conference website.  

Congrats, Julie!   

2012 ACPA Conference - Advanced Registration

Take advantage of the ACPA Louisville 2012 Convention Advanced Registration savings!
Starting June 1 through September 14, 2011, register for the upcoming convention
(March 24 - 28, 2012) at 2011 rates:
Member Registration
$ 389
Student Registration
$ 125
Non-Member Registration
$ 589
Also open starting June 1 through June 30 only is the Multiple Purchase option. This is an opportunity to save on multiple advanced registrations for staff, faculty, and/or students to attend the ACPA Louisville 2012 Convention. This enables your department to purchase multiple registrations at the “advanced pricing,” without identifying the specific registrants at the time of purchase. The Multiple Purchase registration form will be available June 1 on the ACPA Louisville 2012 Convention website. We hope you will take advantage of this savings opportunity by using remaining 2011 funds.

21st Annual Legal Issues in Higher Education Conference

University of Vermont Conference Center at the Sheraton Hotel in Burlington, VT 
October 16-18, 2011

Sponsored by ACPA.  This year's concurrent sessions include: Behavioral Threat Assessment; Volatile and Hurt Speech; Hazing Prevention; and FERPA. 

For more information, go to:

Assessment: Surveys, Social Media, and More

Monday, June 6, 2011 1-3 p.m. Rutgers Student Center Cap & Skull Room
Join the Student Life Professional Development Committee as we welcome Tricia Nolfi, Associate Director for Marketing in the Division of Continuing Studies, in asking what makes a "good survey" and how do you get a great response? In the first part of this two part workshop, you'll answer these questions as you learn about effective survey design, writing of questions, and issue related to the length and timing of surveys. In the second part of the session you'll explore alternative forms of assessment including the use of Web 2.0 technologies to gain student feedback and understand needs.  Please RSVP for this event to Krista Kohlmann by Thursday, June 2.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

ACPA Student Affairs Assessment Institute

Hilton Suites - Chicago/Magnificent Mile

Chicago, Illinois, USA 
June 16–18, 2011

In the last two decades, legislative bodies, students, and parents have demanded greater accountability from higher education. Colleges, community colleges, and universities are being asked to provide evidence that students are reaching the outcomes promised by their institution.

The 2011 ACPA Student Affairs Assessment Institute has been designed to meet these critical continuing education needs to promote the success of student affairs professionals. The three-day conference is organized around the ASK (Assessment Skills and Knowledge) Standards developed by ACPA.

Faculty in Residence: Dr. Randy L. Swing, Executive Director of the Association for Institutional Research (AIR)

Early-bird registration ends May 16, 2011.   For more information, go to: ACPA Student Affairs Assessment Institute.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

NASPA's "Investigating in Our Future" Webinar Series

Call for Programs Deadline: July 29, 2011
Program Notification Status: August 23, 2011
In an effort to further support the professional development of the future of student affairs and higher education, NASPA is launching a new webinar series: Investing in our Future: "Basic Level" Professional Competencies for Students Interested in Student Affairs. We invite you to help shape the future of student affairs by submitting 60-minute webinar presentations regarding the Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Practitioners.
Investing in our Future is a free webinar series for the more than 500 undergraduate and 3,000 graduate student members of NASPA. We are looking to our membership to create presentations that help the future of the field understand the broad professional knowledge, skills, and, in some cases, attitudes expected of student affairs professionals regardless of their area of specialization or positional role within the field. 
Each webinar will address the "basic level" of one of the professional competency areas for student affairs practitioners, which include: 1) Advising and Helping; 2) Assessment, Evaluation, and Research; 3) Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; 4) Ethical Professional Practice; 5) History, Philosophy, and Values; 6) Human and Organizational Resources; 7) Law, Policy, and Governance; 8) Leadership; 9) Personal Foundations; 10) Student Learning and Development.

This webinar series will launch in October with Careers in Student Affairs Month, and all 10 webinars will occur throughout the 2011-2012 academic year. Help educate the future of student affairs by submitting a program today. If you have any questions or concerns regarding Investing in our Future, please contact Nathan Victoria at

NASPA Graduate Associate Program (GAP)

Initially envisioned by the 2009 NASPA summer interns Jimmy Doan and Danielle Howard, the NASPA Graduate Associate Program (GAP) is an initiative to increase awareness of NASPA events, publications, and programs by increasing leadership opportunities of graduate students within NASPA. NASPA GAs are expected to work collaboratively with other GAs throughout the world to become another communication conduit for NASPA offerings with a campus community. Associates also have the opportunity to serve on an unofficial graduate student council, providing another perspective for NASPA student membership. Each campus will have one NASPA GA who will be selected by NASPA, and the term of the NASPA GA is September 1, 2011-July 31, 2012. Access the full position description and requirements with this link.
The benefits of applying to become a NASPA GA are numerous. Aside from becoming more knowledgeable about your professional association and networking virtually with other graduate students, all NASPA GAs will receive recognition on the NASPA website, a complimentary copy of Beginning Your Journey: A Guide for New Professionals in Student Affairs (Third Edition), and a chance of receiving one of the four NASPA GAP Conference Stipends (complimentary registration and three nights of hotel at the annual conference).
All application materials must be received by August 4, 2011. If you have any questions or concerns at any point in the application process, please do not hesitate to contact Nathan Victoria, assistant director of educational programs and social media, at, @NASPAtweets, or 202-265-7500, x1163. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jersey Alliance Central Regional Social

On Tues., May 24, 5-7:00 pm, join us for the Central Regional Social, hosted by The Jersey Alliance!  This event is the perfect opportunity to meet and network with student affairs colleagues from all across New Jersey.  It will be held at Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar, 55 U.S. Route 1, New Brunswick.  Bring friends, enjoy free snacks and appetizers, and join The Jersey Alliance!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

National Conference for College Women Student Leaders

National Conference for College Women Student Leaders: Leadership for Today and Tomorrow.  At this conference you will be able to: hear energizing keynote speakers and meet inspiring Women of Distinction Award recipients; participate in workshops focusing on advocacy, leadership, health and wellness, and "real world" issues such as financial literacy and life after college; get involved in preconference activities, community service projects, and skill-building events; enjoy endless opportunities to network!  

June 2-4 at University of Maryland - College Park; sponsored by AAUW and NASPA.  For more information:  

Friday, May 6, 2011

ACPA Residential Curriculum Institute

The 5th annual Residential Curriculum Institute (RCI), co-sponsored by ACPA's Commission for Housing & Residential Life and Assessment & Evaluation, will challenge you to rethink the practices and grounding philosophies of your residential program.  You will have the opportunity to view an alternative to traditional programming models; discover the connections between the residential communities on your campus and your institution's educational mission; practice developing assessable learning outcomes; and examine the impact this shift in thinking and practice has on you, your department, and students.

Sessions offered have been designed both for schools new to the residential curriculum approach and for those with more advanced experience.

Pennsylvania State University at University Park.  September 28-October 1, 2011.  Plenary Speakers: Pat Terenzini, Stephen Quaye, and Peter Magolda.

Early-bird Registration ends August 31, 2011.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Social Justice and Hip-Hop Pedagogy Workshop

Tuesday, May 24 1-5 p.m. Douglass Campus Center Trayes Hall
Engage in a social justice conversation with one of the nation’s leading facilitators on hip-hop pedagogy and diversity education.  Dr. Marcella Runell Hall of New York University is joining the Student Life Professional Development Committee and The Jersey Alliance in a half-day workshop on social justice training.  Dr. Hall is the author of Hip-Hop Education Guidebook: Volume 1 (2007) with Martha Diaz, and has written for Scholastic Books, the New York Times Learning Network, VIBE, and various academic journals, along with her extensive training experience. Visit Dr. Hall’s website for more information about her work.  Please RSVP for this event and direct all questions to Krista Kohlmann.

**The Jersey Alliance, State Division of ACPA, is hosting a Central Regional Social to follow from 5-7 p.m. at Houlihan’s Restaurant & Bar in New Brunswick**

Welcome to Joe Charlette - Dining Services

Following a nationwide search, Joe Charette has been named Executive Director of Dining Services! Joe will replace Charlie Sams who is retiring this fall after 28 years at Rutgers University (the last 20 as Executive Director).

Joe has worked with Rutgers Dining for 22 years and has been the Associate Director of Dining Services for the past 18 years.  A Cook College graduate of Rutgers University, Joe spent time as a chef and restaurant manager in Colorado, New Mexico, and New Jersey before joining Rutgers Dining as Associate Manager of Brower Commons in 1989. He was promoted to Manager of Davidson Dining Hall in 1991 and then promoted to Associate Director of Dining Services in 1993.

Joe’s passion for the food business has been evident throughout his career. From writing food and wine menus for private eateries, to supervising the construction of restaurants, to opening a chain of restaurants, Joe has brought this experience to his work at Rutgers. His innovations have included developing cash operations within Dining Services as well as the idea of using volunteer groups to staff concession stands at athletic events.

Joe has also brought his focus on student service to his work here for the past 22 years. We are proud that our national search confirmed what we have known about Joe Charette and our Dining Services program for many years: Rutgers is a national leader in college dining with gifted, talented, and experienced professionals that we can count on to deliver the best food service program for our students and the other members of the university community.

Helping Students Become Global Leaders

This free conference call entitled, “Helping Students Become Global Leaders,” is sponsored by ACPA’s Commissions for Global Dimensions of Student Development and Student Involvement.

Date: June, 7, 2011, 12:00 – 1:30pm EST. Please register by June 6.  Cost: Normal long distance charges will apply.

Abstract: Few institutions fully understand how to effectively create avenues for getting students involved with global service and leadership. This seminar will teach you how to help your students get involved in our wider global community and become the type of leaders that our world so desperately needs.

Additional information can be found here:

Monday, May 2, 2011

GSE Commencement Information Available

Graduation for the 2009 Cohort is getting closer every day!  

Planning on attending the graduation festivities?  GSE commencement information is now available at  Graduating students will need to fill out an online questionnaire.  There is also additional information about parking, guests, how to seek accommodations, etc.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

FLSA's End-of-Year BBQ

FLSA is hosting its final, most exciting social event of the semester, The End of the Year BBQ! Come to the Livingston Rec Center on May 10th between 5pm and 8pm for free food, fun games, and a good time!  Trust us, you do not want to miss this!

Also, we are collecting pictures for an end of the year slideshow that will be shown at the BBQ! If you have any that you would like to include, please send them to, or by May 5th!

May 6 Learning Narrative Event

All current and former supervisors of College Student Affairs Ed.M. students (graduate internships, field experiences, or other) are cordially invited to attend the College Student Affairs Spring Reception on Friday, May 6 from 5:00-6:30pm in the Busch Campus Center Multipurpose Room. 

We will celebrate the accomplishments of the second-year CSA students who are completing their Ed.M. degrees, and we will also recognize and thank you -  the professional colleagues who have worked with, and continue to work with, CSA master's students throughout the two-year degree program. Additionally, the Advisory Committee members who laid the groundwork for establishing the Rutgers CSA program will be our honored guests at the reception. 

Please plan to join us for this very special occasion in the life of the College Student Affairs Program.