Friday, December 23, 2011

Study Abroad Trip to Ireland

The student affairs and higher education graduate programs at Miami University and University of Vermont are collaborating on a study abroad course to Ireland in May 2012. Kathy Manning and Judy Rogers are the faculty leading the tour. Our focus will be on exploring higher education policy and student services practice in Ireland. We also plan a number of cultural events including attending a play at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin and seeing a performance of the Irish National Folk Theatre – Siamsa Tire in Tralee among others. The complete itinerary and costs of the program are attached. We have a few spaces left on the tour and would welcome the participation of faculty and graduate students. Please contact Judy Rogers if you are interested.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Rutgers' Student Affairs Conference Survey

On Behalf of the Student Affairs Conference Planning Committee I would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season!

We hope that you enjoyed the chance to network with colleagues and found things to take away from the conference to enrich your work with students.  We are hoping that you will take a moment to complete a brief post conference survey so that we gather your feedback for future conference planning.

You can find the survey at this link:

Thank you!

Lori L. Smith

Are You Presenting at a Conference?

Congrats on finishing another semester!  As conference season approaches, we are busy creating a list of all those who will be presenting at national conferences in the spring. If you will be presenting, please email Sarah Grun with your name (and name of co-presenters), the title of your presentation, and where you will be presenting in the spring (NASPA, ACPA, ACUI, or another national conference?).

Wishing everyone a happy and safe break :)

NASPA Announcements

                                                              December 2011
Dear Colleagues,

It is hard to believe that the semester is almost over. There has been a good deal of activity throughout the region and NASPA generally. I am very pleased with so many achievements of the Region.

Nationally, I am pleased to report that Dr. Kevin Krueger has been selected to be the new NASPA President and will assume leadership upon Dr. Gwen Dungy’s retirement at the March conference. Having served on the search committee, I am confident that Kevin is the right person for the job. We can all look forward to a smooth transition and continued forward motion for our association.

The bylaw change to extend voting rights to affiliate members and graduate students has passed in time for the new leadership elections that will take place shortly.

NASPA staff continues to make significant progress on implementing the new strategic plan and are moving the organization forward consistent with the information we learned over the last couple of years and the survey feedback solicited last spring. NASPA membership is over 13,000! This represents a significant increase.
In response to the regional survey feedback the advisory board wanted to deliver more local, low cost, easily accessible professional developmentTo that end the Careers in Student Affairs and Metro-Moments programs were offered.

The Careers in Student Affairs Conference was held on October 7 and was offered at FIVE differentsites around the region. They included University of Buffalo in Buffalo NY, College at Brockport in Brockport NY, Towson University in Baltimore MD, Pace University/Manhattan Campus in NYC, and West Virginia University in Wheeling WV. I thank Leah Barrett and each site coordinator for their good work on this project. The participation exceeded our expectations!

Thanks are in order to Tom Grace and Terry Martinez for their outstanding leadership in ensuring thatMetro-Moments another new regional program was an amazing success!  More than 160Professionals came together at one of 7 locations to discuss important issues.  Our first Metro Moments gatherings were held in October at Catholic University, Carnegie Mellon University, Towson University, Buffalo State University, Alvernia University, Onandaga Community College and Columbia University. Thank you to all of the host site coordinators.

Tom and Terry are currently planning for the Spring series of Metro Moments. Please let them know if you are interested in becoming a host site.

Kathy Woughter and her team are steaming ahead working on the Regional 2012 Conference inBuffalo, NY. SAVE THE DATES June 10-12, 2012. The call for programs is online at http://conference.naspa2.orgConference registration will be open very shortly. The keynote speakers are outstanding: Dr. Marcia Baxter-Magolda and Dr. Peter Magolda and Don McPherson.Look for more information in upcoming emails and the regional website.

Leah Barrett has agreed to serve as the 2013 Regional Conference Chair. The site will be somewhere in the New York Metro area. If you have interest in working on the conference committee please send a letter of interest to Leah Barrett, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs at The College at Brockport by January 31, 2012.  Opportunities include the educational program chair, coordinators for featured speakers/keynote presenters, logistics, promotions, entertainment, exhibitors/sponsors, registration, and the site manager. Your letter should include your current position and institution, what position interests you and any relevant experience in regional or national conference planning that you have.

I hope that you have had a chance to visit the new regional blog that was launched in November. Share your thoughts. Thank you, Chris Conzen and Will Petrick.

Begin to plan now for the 2012 Middle Managers Institute! The program will be held from June 18-June 22 at Montclair State University. The cost will be $590 and is all inclusive. Additional information and registration information will be out soon and will also be on the regional website.

David Norenberg, the regional volunteer coordinator would like to remind everyone to GET INVOLVED with NASPA. He is also willing to help recruit volunteers for NASPA related activities. Please contact him for assistance at

new Knowledge community has been approved with the theme of adult learners and students with children. There will be more information once a regional representative has been appointed.

Please be reminded of the upcoming Student Affairs professional development opportunities. The Maryland Student Affairs Conference will be held on Friday, February 10 at the University of Maryland. And the NYU Student Affairs Conference: Redefining Global:  Creating a Boundless Experience, on Friday, February 17.

Please join me in congratulating the Region II Award Recipients: Presidents Award, Tori Haring-Smith, Washington-Jefferson College; Mid-Level, Brian Mitra, Kingsborough Community College; Scott Goodnight Award, Zauyah Waite, Chatham University; New Professional, Sara Dierks, College at Brockport; and Outstanding Contribution to Student Leadership, Ramsey Jibaji, University of Maryland.

My last item is a bittersweet one for me. I am leaving my position at Seton Hall University to become the Vice President for Student Affairs at Northeastern University in Boston beginning in January. Since it is a different region in NASPA, I will be transitioning out of the role of RVP. Whoever wins the upcoming election will assume leadership of the region immediately, rather than have a year–elect. I will certainly offer support to the new regional director until the transition is complete.

We are lucky to have two exceptional leaders running for the post of regional director: Deb Moriarity, VP at Towson University and Kirk Manning, VP at St. Thomas Aquinas. The region will be in good hands. It has been a complete joy for me to serve as the regional vice president, especially during this important time in NASPA’s history. I have been very thankful for the many people who have stepped forward to move our activity forward and to start some new projects that I hope will continue. My goal from the beginning was to reenergize Region II and to stimulate more involvement and professional development offerings. I am pleased with the progress that has been made including the significant growth in the number of members in our region. I am sure that I will see many of you and will certainly remain in touch electronically. Thank you all for your involvement and support, most especially members of the Region II Advisory Board. I wish you the best of holidays hoping for joy, peace and fulfillment with family and friends well into the New Year. It has been an honor to serve as your RVP, thank you for the privilege!

Laura A. Wankel
Vice President, NASPA Region II           

Women as Global Leaders Conference in 2012

Now in its fourth year, this international student conference seeks to provide an opportunity for female students from all over the world to interact with established leaders, create worldwide partnerships, share experiences and learn from each other.

Who Should Attend?
·       Female undergraduate and graduate students worldwide
·       Male and female educators, faculty mentors and student affairs staff
·       Male and female leadership practitioners

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

CSA Digest & Other Blogs to Read

We counted the survey votes and 60% of you would like the Digest to return!  Therefore, the first issue of the Digest will be emailed on Sunday, September 4.  As always, please send your submissions/announcements to me by 8pm on Friday.  If you are not currently on the digest distribution list, please email so that we can add you.

In the meantime, the survey results shed some light on the fact that many our readers just don't know about the whole world of blogging.... there are TONS of blogs out there that you can be reading about higher education, student affairs, etc!  Here are just a few that I personally read and that I recommend you also check out:

The Student Affairs Collaborative:
Changing Higher Education:
Higher Education and Law:
Inside Higher Ed:
The Chronicle - Head Count:
The Chronicle - Innovations:
The Chronicle - On Hiring:
Inside the Search:
The Jersey Alliance:

Do any of you have other blog suggestions for our readers?   Leave a comment and let us know what blogs you follow!  

*This will be the last official post for the CSA Blog.  It will not be updated during the year but may possibly return next year as a mode of summer communication.  If you've been following us, thanks for reading the CSA Blog, and have a great year!  

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ryan Stalgaitis '11... on TV!

Ryan Stalgaitis '11, Career Counselor at Fairleigh Dickinson University, is now giving resume advice on a national scale!  Ryan appeared on My9 earlier this month to explain the important part a resume plays for college students who wish to secure that job interview.  To watch the TV clip and to read the article online, visit my9tv.  Congratulations, Ryan!

And a special shout-out to Terek Pierce, a senior at Rutgers, who also was shown in this TV clip.  Terek interns at Campus Information Services and helped the CSA program in creating our marketing video (available on our homepage).  Congratulations, Terek!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Introducing the Student Affairs E-Newsletter

Student Affairs eNews is your one-stop-shop for information, updates, resources and articles about topics related to student affairs in higher education. SAN now offers a free weekly newsletter that will keep you up to date on current issues in the field as well as media updates about breaking news, online trainings and conferences.

Each issue of SAN's E-Newsletter will contain a summary of important events and news from the past week . There will also be a summary of upcoming trainings and professional conferences as well as an easy to follow listing of employment opportunities.

The email version of the newsletter will be sent out weekly. Each newsletter will be archived on their website and can be downloaded as a PDF by the date it was sent. Additionally, each of the four columns and other monthly columns will be easily "browseable" through the drop down menu at their website:   

Friday, August 19, 2011

NASPA's GBLT Issues Knowledge Community White Paper

Have you conducted research or completed assessment efforts pertaining to GLBT issues?  Are you interested in sharing your results/findings?

The NASPA GLBT Issues Knowledge Community compiles research and/or assessment briefs twice annually. These white papers serve the purpose of disseminating recent findings/results for higher education and student affairs professionals to consider when tailoring programmatic and pedagogical efforts on their campus.

Submission Guidelines:
Can be recently completed or currently in progress.
- Must pertain to GLBT issues, but can be outside of higher education/student affairs realm (for example: health topics)
Everybody is eligible to submit.

How to Submit:
Please send the following information to Cindy Kilgo at by 5:00 p.m. EST on September 9, 2011: Name, Title, University/college, Email address, and Description of research/assessment in 500 – 1,000 words

Further details at Questions? Contact Cindy Kilgo at

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Call for Article Reviewers

Call for Applications for Reviewers for The Journal of College and University Student Housing

The Journal of College and University Student Housing is now accepting applications for reviewers.  Those chosen to this volunteer position read and provide substantial feedback about manuscripts submitted to the Journal as a part of a three person review team.  Reviewers will edit between 4-6 manuscripts each year.

Reviewers will normally serve for a two to three year term upon selection. No previous experience with a journal is required, just an interest and demonstrated skill in writing and research. The Journal looks for people with a variety of skills and backgrounds on the editorial board, but an understanding of housing/residential life practice is necessary.

To be considered for the Journal reviewer position, submit a letter of intent that discusses your interest and the special skills or abilities you could contribute in this role (research methods, content knowledge), and a resume or curriculum vita. Letters of intent and resume should be submitted electronically to Von Stange, Editor, by September 12, 2011 at

Monday, August 15, 2011

ATIXA - A New Association for Professionals

ATIXA, Association of Title IX Administrators launched today. ATIXA provides a professional association for school and college Title IX Coordinators and administrators who are interested in serving their districts and campuses more effectively. Since 1972, Title IX has proved to be an increasingly powerful leveling tool, helping to advance gender equity in schools and colleges.

Title IX's benefits can be found in promoting equity in academic and athletics programs, preventing hostile environments on the basis of sex, prohibiting sexual harassment and sexual violence, protecting from retaliation and remedying the effects of other gender-based forms of discrimination.

ATIXA Executive Director Brett A. Sokolow, Esq., gave the following statement at the launch event:  “Every school district and college in the United States is required to have a Title IX Coordinator who oversees implementation, training and compliance with Title IX. ATIXA brings campus and district Title IX Coordinators and administrators into professional collaboration to explore best practices, share resources and advance the worthy goal of gender equity in education.”

The April 4th, 2011 Dear Colleague Letter on campus sexual violence gave us some insight that the role and responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator are a lot broader and deeper than we thought.  The Coordinator role is complex, sophisticated, and comprehensive.  In honor of the remarkable impact this has already caused in higher education, and will cause in the future to both schools and colleges, ATIXA has chosen to use the term Title IX Administrators to describe its membership, rather than coordinators, to reflect the broad compliance responsibilities that fall on administrators widely in school districts and on college campuses.  

For more information, please visit: